Trademark Registration Gives the Owner the Exclusive Right to Protect the LOGO, SYMBOL, and WORD as Brand Identity.
Protect Your Brand With Our Trademark Registration Services.
A trademark is any mark, logo, name, symbol, letter, shape, or word used by a person or firm to uniquely identify its goods or services from those made or sold by others. As a result, customers must be able to distinguish one’s goods or services from those of others. The prerequisites of the Exchange Imprints Act 1999 manage trademark enlistment. Trademark registration is important because the government legally authorizes the owner to grant the exclusive right to brand, sell, manufacture, and use products and services.
When a brand name or logo has Trademark Registration on it, it indicates that a trademark application has been filed and is in the registration process. Once the application is filed the applicant can use the TM in addition to its brand name or logo. He can use it till registration is done. After the registration is completed, Trademark Registration is replaced with ® which means the trademark registration is completed and it is valid for 10 years.
Trademarks can be either enlisted or unregistered. At the point when a specific item has a Trademarks that doesn’t mean it is an Enrolled Trademarks . ™ image can be utilized for unregistered Trademarks however ® image can’t be utilized for unregistered Trademarks. The image ought to be utilized for just enlisted Trademarks.
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